The Period of Evangelization This is the first period of OCIA, where a person is invited to grow in faith of Jesus Christ. During this time, we learn more about each other and what it means to be Christians, to have faith and to live out our call to holiness.
The Catechumenate The Catechumenate is the period in which we will explore the teachings of the Catholic Faith. Our goal is to provide a thoroughly comprehensive catechesis (or teaching) on the truths of Catholic Doctrine and moral life in order to enlighten faith, direct our hearts toward God, foster participation in the Liturgy, inspire apostolic activity and nurture a life completely in accord with the spirit of Christ.
The Period of Purification and Enlightenment This third period occurs during the 40 days of Lent in which we lead the participants through an interior reflection intended to enlighten our hearts and minds with a deep knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Church. The aim is to guide the participants towards a genuine self-awareness and serious self-examination of their lives.
Mystagogy The period of Mystagogy is the time after the participants have received their sacraments and are fully initiated into the Church. From Easter to Pentecost, we meet with the community and help the new Catholics feel more at home in the community. Together we are introduced into a fuller and more effective understanding of the mysteries though the Gospel message, deriving a new perception of the faith, the Church and the world.